• My microessay, “A letter after three years’ time,” won the Hamilton College Microessay Contest. You can read the piece here.

  • My poem, “Home for winter,” appears in the Spring 2023 issue of Red Weather Literary Journal. See online here.

  • My poem, “Glass cage,” appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Red Weather Literary Journal. See online here.

  • My poem, “3 hours later,” appears in Blue Magazine Issue 2, the Faultline issue. Read online here.

  • My poems, “Last night,” “Steering Wheel,” and “Holding Onto You” appear in the third issue of Manuscription Magazine, which can be found online here.

  • My poem, “Underwater,” appears in Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, “Here & Gone” edition. Read online here.

  • My poems “Sense” and “Zoom in Zoom out” appear in issue 7 of BALLOONS Lit Journal. Read online here.

  • My poem, “Background Thoughts,” appears in the 2018 edition of the Rattle Young Poets Anthology. See here.